It seems Beards are back in fashion according to the Chicago Tribune and here is me just shaved it off again oh woe is me.
Strange thing about beards we actually have a city in NSW a lovely place name of Armidale; it hosts the University of New England also, now don’t get confused here as the idea of New England becoming a separate state has oft been raised but nothing has come of it;it also has a street called yep you guessed it I hope! Beardy Street - 363 km South West of Brisbane
Armidale NSW 2350
Fighting off coyote to rescue her pooch
It seems that the Good old USA has wild animals from this story; I think I will stay with my VERY poisonous snakes and spiders lol however the sixty year old lady won the day, and good on her for her pluck.
Seems there have been a lot of Coyote attacks in Chicago recently I don’t know which is worse coyotes or street muggers;
Three Arrested at Mass. Baby Shower Brawl
Not nice not nice at all in fact flaming ugly;Pack of Yahoo's. luckily the pregnant lady was released as ok by the hospital; we get ugly incidents like it as well; I myself reckon the whole world is getting to be like it and quicker rather than sooner does that make sense but? Well you get my drift I hope!
Fixed penalties target graffiti in the UK.
good on ya Poms, I call them that and I was one myself lol oh well.
New council powers to crack down on environmental crimes and anti-social behaviour such as graffiti, fly-tipping and fly-posting are coming into force.
Measures under the Clean Neighbourhood’s and Environment Act 2005 enable local authorities in England and Wales to issue £80 on-the-spot fines.
My view is if they want to do this do it at home or in a studio not on walls and such.
Not before time either; we used to get a lot of it here in the cities and Sydney was by far the worst but I do believe they have cleaned up their act excuse the pun;
Bouncer hurt in casino brawl.
A security guard has sustained a suspected fractured cheekbone after a brawl at Crown Casino early this morning. Grog I reckon was the cause in Staid Melbourne wow; ah I shouldn’t knock Melbourne really as it is a fine city just a tad too cold for me in their winter and yes they still have trams.
Interests in Melbourne range from sport to art; these casinos are everywhere it seems we have one here in sunny (usually) Queensland as well, not that I have ever been to one.
Finally a strange tale from our neighbours to the far south in New Zealand.
Beware of the burqa? You're joking
A Muslim woman who wears a veil when she drives says it's hard to take police seriously when they say they fear that criminals could wear a burqa to hide from them.
Well a curly one that but I guess the Cops have a sort of point; feeble really why not say right out it is dangerous to drive like that; then on the other hand her religion comes into, what a mixed up world we live in today.
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