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A little nudge to the British Prime Minister

The said Gent Prince Harry has been trained at great expense by your taxpayer’s 44 weeks intensive training no less and should definitely go to wherever the British Army chooses to send him just like the rest of the British troops who are sadly still deployed in Iraq.

Tough so he’s a Royal yeah well he’s a soldier as well and like his relations before him should definitely serve in a war zone.

The guy wants to go as well do you really think he wants to be branded as a coward Hmm well I and no doubt thousands of other ex military would not nor does the Prince.

I actually read it first on the Times of India.

All this malarkey was approved by the British Government and Buck house by the way; who are we kidding here; definitely your fellow soldiers are upset in arms and quite possibly a lot of the world; it has been well known he would have probably ended up in Iraq

He worked on a sheep station here; he did ok.

This decision to deploy him to Iraq was strictly a military one made by I might add the Chief of the General Staff who is General Sir Richard Dannatt as you well know along with yourself and the Commanding Officer Household Cavalry Blues and Royals Regiment

This BBC site if you are interested has a video on it and details of the British Monarchy’s involvement with all branches of their military.

I must admit I like this image of him where he is graduating his Mom looks happy I reckon well pleased as he looks the happy one.

Good ONYAH Harry


  1. I think its great that he even JOINED up! :D

    BTW, why dont you get a Gravatar Mick?

    Its free, and takes only a second :) And it'll make your comments in my blog so much more prettier :)

  2. Yes I do as well and these idiots who run the British military know the score; you can rest assured nothing will happen to him.
    This is not to say I agree with war as I don't.
    Thanks for your comment Mohan/Neo?.
    Re the Gravitar I made one cropped it but how to get it on your site has got me to be honest.
    Suggestions as to how would be welcome
